Thursday, 14 March 2013

No more rain

Arrived in Adelaide on Sunday 10 March as planned and there has been no more rain.  It has been as hot as Perth but I have been enjoying the hospitality of Helen and Tim in their lovely airconditioned house with a pool.  It finally cooled down a little on Wednesday and we went to the SA art gallery to see the Turner exhibition which was very enjoyable particularly with an excellent guide.

Thursday we drove down to their vineyard at Carrickalinga and here is a photo taken from my bedroom window of the lovely view across to Normanville beach where we had a walk late afternoon.

This morning we had an adventure on the property recovering a bale of hay that had escaped when harvesting, rolled down the hill and over a fence.  We had to cut the fence to pull it through dragging behind the ute and then roll it up onto the trailer to take it up the paddock for the sheep.

Sheep and some alpacas are now let loose in the vineyard as they have not produced any wine since 2008 it having proved uneconomical for them to do so.  We are however still enjoying the wine.

On the way down the Fleuireu peninsula we stopped off at the Aldinga aerodrome as suggested both by Harriet and also by friends of Tim and Helen and had a very pleasant lunch.  Jonathon was not working there that day Harriet so I was unable to accost him in the manner suggested by you.  Helen however took the details of the flights and will be booking a biplane flight for her and Tim for Tim's birthday later this month.

We will be driving back to Adelaide on Saturday and I will likely leave on Sunday morning early for  my next leg of the trip.  At this stage that plan is to drive to Renmark, Mildura, Hay, Forbes, Parkes and Dubbo.  I will update along the way.

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